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Anunță-mă când e online
Model fixare
21 ani, Săgetător, Romania, Bucuresti
Trimitere bacşiş
Detalii importante ale JosephineBlairs
Sex Femeie
Interesat de Bărbaţi
Vârstă 21
Înălţime 170 cm - 175 cm
Greutate 60 - 70 kg
Păr Blondă
Ochi Albastru
Etnie Alb/Caucazian
Limbi Engleză, Română
Oraşul Bucuresti
Păr pubian Rasa
Bust Mare
Cur Mare
Ce mă excită
a good parfume as I am kissing with someone, so I can feel it all
Despre mine
Hello! Welcome to my room!
Ce îmi displace
when someone it's moody
Ce fac eu pe camera web:
Ultimele capturi (20) Vezi toate
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 1
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 2
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 3
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 4
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 5
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 6
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 7
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 8
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 9
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 10
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 11
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 12
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 13
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 14
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 15
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 16
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 17
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 18
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 19
JosephineBlairs's snapshot 20
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